
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Christianity Question

Christianity Question

This is a question that came in my mind a few days ago and has kept on being in my mind...

I have no offence with Christian people and hope the following wont offend any of you!

It is believed to be said that God created the world, all the living animals, human beings, etc in seven days.

Ok, Adam and eve are the first ever humans to be on this planet...
This means they are supposed to be living with dinosoars in the prehistoric era billions of years ago...

They had children... of which one (forgot the name) sacrificed a sheep on some hill...

this doesn't make sense, since there aren't any sheep during prehistoric era...
that means sacrificing sheep can only be less than one million years...

this big time gap doesn't make much sense to me...

Again, i have no offence against any religion, i'm just really curious and would be glad if anyone could help me!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Joke of the day

what has 8 eyes and 8 legs?

8 pirates...

Joke of the day

what is invisible and smells like carrots?

a rabbit's fart

Joke of the day

what is brown and sounds like a bell??


Saturday, November 18, 2006






DDR South Africa

This is the only DDR (dance dance revolution) website hosted in South Africa!

For all those DDR fans out there, this website is a place you'll want to spend time with.
There's a forum for discussion and help if you're in need of some help with dancing on the machine.

The hosts are from Cape Town, so if you're from the mother city, be sure to be there, we're often at N1 City Mall's Wonderland playing there. Sometimes we're at Tygervalley too. So if you're viewing this, be sure to go to the website and check us out. There will be video's for download shortly too.

so visit:

Thursday, November 16, 2006


makes me wonder sometimes what special powers we have?

Wow, check this out!!!

If you see closely you actually think the picture is moving... haha! wow!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How does this work?

let x = 0.99999.....

this means
10x = 9.99999....
10x - x = 9.99999.... - 0.9999.....
which results in
9x = 9
which means
x = 1

but we defined x = 0.9999....
so how can 0.99999.... = 1 ??

make sense???

The phenomenal power of the human mind!!!!

his is something i find so interesting... I got it as an email...
Really amazing!! so you should read it too, hehe! ^__^

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

Initial D Arcade stage ver 3

Of all the racing games i've played at the arcade, i think this game has to be the best ever.

Recently ver 4 of initial d is released, havent tried that game yet.

The main reason for me liking the game is that i'm an initial d fan. I watch the anime and get inspired by the game. the first few stages on the game gives you a really good feel of how the game works, how you control your vehicle to move around curves of the mountains (yes its a mountain racing game).

After you get the feel you come to the more difficult stages where you get to practice your brakes (one of the most important things in your driving is the brakes). Yes if you brake correctly you will drive faster in the end. The main reason being they programmed this game that if you touch the sides of the road (walls) your speed decreases (obviously), but the time to recover the speed (accelerate) becomes more, so if you don't touch the walls you'll get a better chance in accelerating.

The game can be divided into three categories, Legend of street, time attack and bunta challenge, where each has its characteristics. I advise you to purchase a card where you can store your data and use the same card each time you drive. You will accumulate points in that card which in the end upgrades your driving vehicle.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Need For Speed Carbon

I just purchased Need For Speed Carbon - Collector's Edition and decided to play the game...

Firstly, my computer:

Intel Pentium Celeron 2.8 Ghz
768MB DDR 400 RAM
256MB Radeon 5500 graphics card

It runs smoothly when you put the resolution down to low and use the 640 x 480 mode.

Here are some cheat codes I found on the web, enter them where you find the "click to continue" or on the main page of your careers... Once you typed in the code, you will be able to hear a sound fx to tell you that the code is correct:

canyonalltheway - All Tracks
shinycarsarethebestcars - Chrome Cars
5grand5grand - Castrol Cash
friendlyheadlocksapplied - Unlimited Crew Charge
nosforeverever - Unlimited NOS
slowitdownwhenyouwant - Unlimited SpeedBreaker
givemethechargersrt8 - 2006 Dodge Charger SRT8
givemethedb9 - 2005 Aston Martin DB9
chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk - Mazda Dealership
speed3foryou - Mazda Speed3
watchoutthebigtruckishere - Dump Truck in Quick Race Mode
bigredfiredrive - Firetruck in Quick Race Mode
trashtalking - Rhino in Quick Race Mode
guesswhoisback - Cross Corvette Z06 in Quick Race Mode
chasingmobile - Corvette Z06 Interceptor in Quick Race Mode
cooperlogofreeforyou - Cooper Tire Logo
pharrellvinylgogo - Pharrell Vinyl
lotsoffreevinyls - NFS: Carbon Special Vinyls
lotsoffreelogos - NFS: Carbon Vinyls
syntecskin - Castrol Syntec Vinyl
inthezoneskin - Autozone Vinyl

I still recommend first finishing the game without cheats is better since using cheats takes the challenges away.

The gameplay is similar to a combination of NFS U2 and NFS MW since it took back the DRIFT option from underground 2 as well as maintaining the persuit by police in most wanted. The addition to the gameplay is the mountain stages. These stages remind me of Initial D as you drift and race along these tracks, however I still prefer Initial D to this game. In this game most mountain stages if you're not careful you will fall off the cliff and you lose, which sucks.

Career mode isn't as difficult compared to older games. Only difficult part of career mode I find is the last area belonging to Darius, where you get all the exotics racing (they are just really fast cars). I purchased some of those cars and they simply cannot turn sharply as tuners, but if you use tuner cars there you are too slow... Tactics are very important there as well as your controlling of the car as well as speed. Everything counts in those last few stages.

I find the most difficult part of the game is drifting challenges, they are a pain in the ass. I have watched video clips online and can only envy those who are experts in drifting, I guess drifting isn't as easy as it looks. I'm sure once you get the hang of it you'll appreciate how much of an art drifting is. Else I think the persuit of most wanted is more difficult than carbon, even tho there are bugs / places on most wanted where you can avoid cops and gain your time (there by the bus parking lot).

Over all I can say this is the best Need for speed game I've ever played, so i recommend you guys to also get hold of the game and play it and see for yourself.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Welcome to my blog...

Its really exciting to actually have my own blog by blogger... so hope you guys enjoy this blog, there will be more updates soon... and welcome to leave messages so I can get some feedback into what I need to post for my blog, thanks!


Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. I will try to put intersting blogs on this page, so please support this blog! Thanks!